IEP – Individualized Education Program
Writing consistent and accurate IEPs across your entire district can be a challenge. EmpoWEr simplifies IEP creation and management by providing educators with compliant form data that fulfills your individual district and state regulations. With the IEP Plan Pack, there’s no need to change your procedures to fit new software. The IEP Plan Pack for EmpoWEr includes:
An easy to use to interface to swiftly add Goal Pages, record progress and enter updates for any student
Custom Goals and Objectives banks, as well as a Goal development wizard
Multiple pre-built reports, plus a custom reporting component allowing your district to design and create their own reports
Section 504
The number of students with 504 plans is growing every year.
EmpoWEr makes it easy to add 504 plans for students with over 30 OCR (Office of Civil Rights) compliant forms developed by Leasor Crass, PC. Forms include, but not limited to:
504 Referral plan
Assessment plan
Homebound Documentation
504 BIP
EB – Emergent Bilingual
The number of Emergent Bilingual learners in American schools has more than doubled over the past 20 years. All schools have an obligation under federal law to ensure that EB students have equal access to a high quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential. EmpoWEr’s EB Plan Pack helps educators create, manage and track EB student plans including:
Academic Updates
Alternative Language Program Placement Waiver
Interpreter Translator Confidentiality Agreement
Interpreter/Translator Request Log
Notification of English as Second Language Program Exit
MTSS Management System
Innovate your district's MTSS practice with specific intervention plans, collaboration tools and efficient reporting.
Evolve your MTSS with our easy and effective online platform.
EmpoWEr helps districts follow best practices for working efficiently, effectively and collaboratively to promote student academic and social growth.
Easily access centralized data and identify student growth and achievement.
Streamline your MTSS process to utilize more time teaching students.
EmpoWEr offers a user friendly GT documentation for students who participate in your district/charter GT program.
Our plan follows the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students under under Texas Education Code Section 29.123. ​
With the process driven intent each user will know which forms to document according to the student status.
The empoWEr GT plan provides requirements for and guidance to districts as they meet the unique needs of the gifted/talented population in Texas.